What is the difference between a Hybrid and Virtual Meeting?

A hybrid meeting is an event such as a trade show, conference, seminar, workshop, or unconference that blends a live, in-person experience with virtual participation. A virtual attendee is defined as anyone who can view the presentation or speaker from their own location. For a web stream to be truly effective, high-quality video and audio are essential.

Virtual meetings can replicate the interactive elements of in-person meetings, including content sharing, polling, and Q&A sessions. Both virtual attendees and presenters can participate from their homes or offices.

What are the benefits of web streaming

Clients use web streaming for various reasons. They might have employees located out of state who are unable to attend conferences in person, or they might offer virtual access to a global audience for a small fee to view keynote speakers or educational content. Web streaming can be configured to facilitate live interaction between presenters and virtual attendees, including features such as polling and Q&A sessions.

Some Commonly Asked Questions

Can we use Wi-Fi to stream? Yes, but if you want consistent and uninterrupted streaming, a dedicated internet connection is preferable. Otherwise, attendees might experience occasional drop-offs.

Do we need a dedicated internet connection? Yes, it’s recommended.

Is there a return on investment (ROI) for web streaming? It depends on how you approach the event. Let’s discuss your strategy to evaluate the potential ROI.

Can content be streamed online? Yes, you can stream various types of content, including PowerPoint slides, still images, and full videos.

Does offering web streaming affect my live registrations?

Numerous studies conducted in recent years show that live registrations frequently increase for future events following a live web stream. More presenters are recognizing the significance of having a video presence on their social media platforms as a crucial marketing strategy. Your group might consider this approach as a valuable tool for continuing education or reaching a broader audience.

Where do we start?

Let’s start with a phone call or an in-person meeting. We can share our extensive experience with live web streaming events. Our team is also available for a site visit to discuss how to incorporate web streaming and maximize your return on investment. Contact us today by phone or email.

Free Consultation

Looking to discuss an upcoming event or have questions about AV? Don’t hesitate to reach out to our team via email, office phone, or cell phone. We’re here to help make things easier for you.